Friday, April 23, 2010

40 crowns Of Shame by H.Redd

Crown 1

Man-ism the abominable laws of natural selection in society, who has favor or who is the best adjuster to the situation in life. When lust, greed, desire and power come into play it has all the making for nightmares. And when man made kismet decree onto him or the false reality him or her dwells in here come the man made hell. These laws for the cycle of life is horrific, something must get disadvantage for some other creature can get the advantages. Its extreme foolishness for man, politician and religious leader and I tried to eliminate this bedeviled cruse. In my own backward way on trying to eliminate poverty by indulging in wholesale slaughtering I see now my method was solicit by error. Realizing I was misguided in pursuing this folly dogma, poverty is a necessary function it must be treated not cured. It’s just the sad condition of society and government, hope is always for sell, for the most sinister effect. Here it is the fruit from our treachery a man made eternal damnation. There is no need to go hell when you can a hypercritical heaven on earth. How tragic! Everything in nature grows free, but when you put man-ism into the scenario he charge a price!

Crown 2

Poverty is not a perpetual inescapable enslavement, One can be release from it ill effect. He or she must be mindful and avoid its fools gold that poverty has to offer. It’s the trickery in poverty passion that blinds them. Poverty says its ok to go to sleep when should be trying to reach your peak. And they must be aware of the ultimate ambition murder of all welfare. Are just say goodbye to having a good life, they will always be the ghetto whores for alms. And if they don’t never learn how to become a disciplinarian over their money and their behavior eye lusting for that ephemeral pleasure “I call it the juxtapose doom!” hollow gratification will sodomize penniless fools, a quagmire of quick pleasure but at high price. And they also must be on the look out for the deception in biblical philosopher of the day. They tell these vagrants they will have their grace in heaven not in society.

So they lead a life of having an unsatisfied appetite and living in a prison of wishes. To break the enthrallment of poverty, you must start with the parents if the parent is ignorant a good chance the offspring will be ignorant to. Good Heaven!

Crown 3

I myself am a politician elected by the people to represent the people and the government is set up for the people and by the people. The government only really represent them its self and its own selfish agenda. In short a public whore for delusional people, my main role is to champion the needs of demos who I have been elected to represent. But the hellish whims in their cries know no bound. The system that was set up for them but it doesn’t represent them are hear them at all. Corporation is the only voice the government hears and the people get benigga down with long hope and prediction. In a capitalist society or a carnivorous one the motif is making money. Machiavellian ambition for power in the process deceiving the people for authentic resolve.
The misdirection tactic used by the government and the weapon of misinformation always lead the benighted demos into a battle of identity. Destruction always happen when egoistic politician put cash before the needs of the impractical people. If they keep letting us off the hook we will keep kicking them in butt. Like we say in senate “the rich get richer and the poor has patriotism and make babe.
The narrator

As Marquise de brute ejaculates his passion that full of emotion violence a mind that is on the brim of evil. And having distaste for the public counterfeiter and the blind system that’s already failed, the Marquise de brute dogma sounds impious lacks faith and has the high form of blasphemy for man. But one thing we shouldn’t over look he has a realistic point of view on the evilness of man. For these immoderation of the Marquise heart and soul they wasn’t nomadic his concepts has a home in the lands of the folly. This hot vigor offs the lips Marquise de brute was bedazzling and harmful, at first the were-artist brush was prudish like a young girl. Then the artist brush caught the zeal and passion like a buggeress who was over joy to get her chocolates broken up.